The Physical Attributes of the Prophet And A Supplication for seeing the Prophet

Arabic English Text By Nov 19, 2009


A Supplication for seeing the Prophet


The Messenger of Allah, Sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said:

وا شوقاه الى أحبابي

Which means: O Much Longing I have for my beloved ones.

 فقال الصحابة رضوان الله عليهم : ” نحن أحبابُك يا رسول الله”

The companions, may Allah accept their deeds, said: O Messenger of Allah, We are your beloved ones

 قال: “أنتم أصحا بي, أحبابي  قومُ يأتون من بعدكم يودّ الوا ِحدُ منهم لو ُيفتََََدَى بنفسِه ومالِه على أن يرا ني”

He said: You are my companions;   my beloved ones are people who shall come after you, each of them aspires to sacrifice himself and his money for the sake of seeing me.

 The Physical Attributes of the Prophet

 قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: “من رآني في المنام فقد رآني حقاً فإن الشيطان لا يتمثل بي” رواه البخاري

The Messenger of Allah, Sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said: the one who sees me in the dream has truly seen me; Indeed the devil does not take my shape in pretense. 

 فهو صلى الله عليه وسلم لم يكن قصيراً ولا طويلاً وإنما هو معتدل أقرب إلى الطول وكان سواء البطن والصدر أي لم يكن له بطن ناتئً عن صدره وكان وجهه أبيض مشرباً بالحمرة وهذا خلقةً يعني وجهه أبيض جداً وأحمر الخدين

The prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, was not short and not tall; rather he was medium leaning toward tallness in height. His chest and abdomen were leveled, that is his abdomen did not protrude beyond his chest. His face was by birth saturated with redness that is his face was very white and his cheeks were red.

وكان رقيق الحاجبين

His eyebrows were thin

وكان مُفَلًّج الأسنان

His teeth were beautifully separated from one another

ولم يكن كبير الأنف إنما كان مستوياً ومرتفعا

His nose was not big; rather, it was raised and leveled.ً

وكان صلى الله عليه وسلم أدعج العينين كثير الأهداب

His eyes had very black pupils, very white base and plenty of eyelashes.

واسع العينين في عيونه خطوط حمر وهذا يزيده جمالاً

His eyes were broad and beautified with red lines across them

وكان كث اللحية

He had a thick beard.

 سواد الشعر وكان جلي الجبهة ولم يكن عليه شعر وإنما كانت واضحة جلية وكان كثير شعر الرأس وعظيماً وليس فيه صلع وكان شعره متموجاً حلقاً حلقاً وكان يطيله أحياناً إلى شحمة الأذن وأحياناً إلى العاتقين أي الكتفين

وكان لا يوجد فيه من الشيب إلاَّ قريب العشرون شعرة فقط وكان إذا مشى يكون ثابتاً

وإذا التفت التفت جميعه وكان عريض اليدين والرجلين أي لم يكن نحيف اليدين والرجلين مع كونهم كالحرير وكان عريض ما بين المنكبين وهذا يدل على الهيبة والقوة

فمن رأى النبي على هذه الصورة فهنيئاً وطوبى له وله بشارةٌ بحسن الختام وأنه يموت على الإسلام وأنه يرى سيد الأنام قبل الموت يقظة وقال بعض العلماء من رآه على غير صورته الأصلية كان له خير وبشارة ولكن ليست كالرؤية الأولى.

 His hair was black. His forehead was clear and showing with no hair on it. He had plenty of hair on his head and was not bald; his hair was curly and sometimes used to wear it long up till his ear lobe and sometimes up till his shoulders.

He had no white hair except for about twenty hairs. When he walked he walked steadily and if he turned he turned with his entire body. His hands and legs were broad, that is not slim although they were soft as silk. His shoulders were wide which reflected charisma and strength.

The one who sees the prophet with this form ought to be congratulated and delighted because he earned the good news of dying as a Muslim and that he shall see the master of the creations, while awake, before he dies. Some scholars said the one who sees him with other than his original form still is good for him and earns the good news of dying as a Muslim, but it is not of the same value as seeing him with his original form.  

فائدة : لرؤية الرسول في المنام ان شاء الله يقول هذه الصيغة 100 مرة أو أكثر على حسب النشاط  وينام على وضوء

  The Supplication

 Benefit: For seeing the Messenger in the dream let one say the following statement 100 times or more as per ones energy level and sleep while having performed ablution:

 أللهم صلّ على محمد النبىّ وأزواجه أمهات المؤمنين وذريّته وأهل بيته كما صليت على ال ابراهيم انك حميد مجيد.

 Allahumma Salli ^ala Muhammadin-innabiyyi wa Azwajihi Ummahatil Mu’minin wa Dhurriyyatihi wa Ahli Baytih kama Sallayta ^ala Al Ibrahim Innaka Hamidu_mmajid.

 نسأل الله أن يرزقنا رؤية الحبيب المصطفى في هذه الليلة.

 We ask Allah to grant us seeing our beloved and choicest prophet Muhammad tonight.