The Story of Tubba^ The First And The Good news he received About the Greatest ProphetSallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam تُبَّع الأول وتبشيره بالنبيّ الأعظم عليه الصلاة والسلام

Arabic English Text By Nov 19, 2009

تُبَّع الأول وتبشيره بالنبيّ الأعظم عليه الصلاة والسلام

The Story of Tubba^ The First

And The Good news he received

About the Greatest Prophet

Sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam

 الحمدُ للهِ رَبِ العالمينَ والصلاةُ والسلامُ على سيدنا محمد وعلى أله وصحبه وسلم. 

أما بعد، اعلموا إخوةَ الإيمان أنَّ تُبّع هو لقب لملوك اليمن أيام زمان، وكانوا عربًا وكان هناك العديد من التبابعة، وذِكْرُ سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم كان معروفًا بين الأنبياء وكُتِبَ ذلك في الكتب القديمة، وتُبَّع الأول له قصة شيقة في تعرُّفه على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. 

     يُحكى أَنَّهُ خَرَجَ تُبَّع الأول بجيشه الكبير من اليمن صعودًا نحو مكة المكرمة وكان معه وزيره “عماريشا” وفي الجيش مئات الألوف من الجنود والفرسان، ومائة ألف من العلماء والحكماء الذين اختارهم من البلدان، ولمّا وصل تُبَّع هذا إلى مكة وسأل عن أهلها قيل له: إنهم عُبّادُ أصنَامٍ ولهم كعبة يحبونها، فعزم في قلبه على هدمها وقَتلِ أهلها الذين لم يُرَحّبوا بقدومه، ولم يُخبر أحدًا بذلك. وفجأة أُصيب بِصُداعٍ أليمٍ وتفجّر من عينيه وأذنيه ومنخريه وفمه ماء منتن فهرب الكل من حوله من شدة نتن رائحته، فجمع له الوزير الأطباء فلم يستطيعوا الاقتراب منه ولا معالجته، فأتى في الليل أحد العلماء وأخبر الوزير أنه قد يعرف سبب علة تُبَّع ويعرف علاجه فَسُرَّ الوزير وأخذه إلى الملك واختلى به، فقال العالم: أصدقني الكلام، هل نويت لهذا البيت سوءًا؟ قال: نعم، إني نويت خرابه وقتل أهله، فقال العالِم: إن وجعك وما ابتليت به من هذا، ثم قال له: إعلم أن صاحب هذا البيت قوي جبار، وهو عالم بالخفايا والأسرار، ثم علّم هذا العالمُ الذي كان من اتباع سيدنا إبراهيم عليه السلام الملكَ دين الإسلام فآمن الملك لساعته وشفي من علته، وأكرم أهل مكة، ثم لمّا قصد المدينة المنوّرة التي كان اسمها أول الأمر يثربًا، نوى هناك أربعمائة عالم كانوا معه أن يبقوا فيها ولا يغادروها ولمّا سألهم الملك تُبَّع عن السبب في بقائهم، أخبروه أنها مهاجر نبي ءاخر الزمان واسمه محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، ووصفوه له حسب ما ورد مع الكتب القديمة. 

   فبقي الملك معهم سنة لعله يدرك خروج النبيّ الكريم عليه الصلاة والسلام وبنى بالمدينة أربعمائة دارٍ لكل واحد من العلماء الذين أرادوا البقاء هناك وزوّجهم، ولما مرّ العام ولم يظهر النبي كتب كتابًا وكتب فيه أنه ءامن بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قبل ان يراه وأنه على دينه وأنه مؤمن بالله تعالى الذي لا شريك له ولا شبيه ولا مثيل، وختم الكتاب بالذهب وأبقاه معهم. 

   وسار تُبَّع إلى الهند ومات هناك، وبقي الكتاب ينتقل من يد إلى يد حتى مرّت ألف سنة فظهر النبيّ محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام. وقيل إن الكتاب وصل إليه وهو في دار أبي أيوب الأنصاري رضي الله عنه. 


The Story of Tubba^ The First And The Good news he received About the Greatest ProphetSallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam 

Praise be to Allah and may Allah increase the honor and raise the rank of our Master Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. 

Thereafter, know dear Muslims that every king in Yemen in the ancient days used to be called Tubba^. They were Arabs, and there were a lots of the Tababi^ah.

The name of our Master Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam was known among the prophets and it was written in the ancient books. Tubba^ The First had an exciting story on how he got to know about the Prophet sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. 

     It was said that Tubba^ The First left Yemen with  his huge army heading up the honorable Makkah with his minister “^Amarisha“. He was leading an army of hundreds of thousands men and horsmen, and one hundred thousand of the scholars and wismen which he chose from the countries. 

   When Tubba^ reached Makkah, he asked about its people; it was said to him that they worship the idols and that they have a Ka^bah which they love. He intended in his heart to destroy it and to kill its people who did not welcome him; however, he did not tell anybody about that. 

    Suddenly he was hit by a painful headache, and a stinky water burst from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Everybody ran away from him as a result of his stinky odor.

His minister then gathered the doctors, but they could not get closer to him or to treat him due to his stinky smell.

At night one of the scholars came to the minister and told him that he might know the cause of the sickness of Tuba^ and that he knows its cure, the minister was delighted at hearing that and he took him to see the king.

The scholar said to the king: “Tell me the truth, did you intend to do something bad to this house (means the Ka^bah).” To that the king said: “Yes, I intended to destroy it and to kill its people.” The schloar then said: “Know that your pain and affliction is because of what you had intended to do.” He then said to him: ” The Lord (owner) of this house Has a complete Power and nothing happens in His dominion except what He willed, He knows about the secrets and about the hidden things.”

That scholar, who was a follower of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), then taught the king about the Religion of Islam. The king embraced Islam right the way and was cured of his sickness.

He then treated the people of Makkah generously and kindly, when he left later for al-Madinah al-Munawarah (The illuminated City) which used to be called Yathrib at that time, four-hundred scholars, who were with him, intended to stay in it and not to leave it. The king asked them about the reason, they said to him that the Last prophet shall migrate to it and his name is Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, they then described him to the king as they knew from the old books. 

      The king then stayed with them for one year hoping that he might meet the honored Prophet sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, he then built four-hundred residences for every one of the four hunderd scholars who wnted to stay and got them married. When one year elapsed and the Prophet did not appear, the king wrote a book and stated in it that he believed in the Prophet sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam before seeing him, and that he is following his Religion, and that he believes in Allah ta^ala Who has no partner, or a similar. He then sealed the book with gold and left it with them. 

    Tubba^ then headed for India and died there, that book changed hands after that until one thousand years passed, then Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam was revealed. It was said that the book reached him when he was at the house of Abi Ayyub al-Ansariyy.