ABU ZUR^AH AR-RAZI, ^Ubaidullah bin ^Abdul-Karim

English Text By Dec 04, 2009

ABU ZUR^AH AR-RAZI, ^Ubaidullah bin ^Abdul-Karim



^Ubaidullah bin ^Abdul-Karim bin Yazid bin Farukh, Abu Zur^ah Ar-Razi Al-Qurashi by clientship was a Hafidh and an eminent scholar of the Hadith. He was also considered among the Imam of ‘Al-Jarh wat-Ta^dil (the critical study of the Hadith narrators). Muslim, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasai, Ibn Majah and others narrated Hadith from him. AdhDhahabi said, ‘Many people heard Hadith from him in Al-Haramain, Iraq, Ash-Sham, Al-Jazira, Khurasan, and Egypt.’ He was also well acclaimed for his memorization, brightness, piousness, sincerity, knowledge and the good application of his knowledge. Abu Zur^ah Ar-Razi died towards the end of 264 H. At the age of 64 years.