IBN^ABDUL-BARR, Yusuf bin ^Abdullah

English Text By Dec 04, 2009

IBN^ABDUL-BARR, Yusuf bin ^Abdullah

368-463 H


Abu ^Umar, Yusuf bin ^Abdullah bin Muhammad bin ^Abdul-Barr bin ^Asim An-Namari Al-Qurtubi was born in Rabi^-ul-Akhirah, 368 H. He was a celebrated learned Imam and was the Sheikh-ul-lslam and Hafidh of Al-Maghrib (North West Africa). He was considered as the master of his time in the memorization and accurate rendering of the Hadith. He was also skilled in the science of genealogy and history. Ibn Hazm said, I cannot talk about the knowledge of the Hadith like ^Abdul-Barr, so how can I do better than him? He has authored many books, the most famous of which is Al-Isti^ab. Ibn ^Abdul-Barr died on a Friday in Rabi^-ul-Akhirah, 463 H. At the age of 95 years.