
English Text

The truth is that Mixing between men and women of two (2) categories : 1- A permissible way 2- A haram way

English Text By May 31, 2018

In this era, and in some countries, some people have exaggerated in the case of men and women meeting in one place. They made forbidden what Allah did not . They said it is haram for men and women to meet in one place, even if there were a third person, even if there was no touching, and even if…

Impeccability of Prophets

English Text By May 28, 2018

Impeccability of Prophets Allah, the Exalted, chose the choicest among the men to be prophets and messengers. The Wisdom of Allah entails that all the prophets and messengers must be attributed with befitting attributes that enforce their credibility so that they would be successful to convey the message from Him. Hence, from mankind, Allah, the All-Knowledgeable and All-Wise, selected for…

Unlike fasting There is no kaffaarah for not completing the make up prayers.

English Text By May 28, 2018

قال الشيخ : يبدأ بقضاء الصلاة الذي عليه قضاء الصلاة ليس بمجرد النيّة، ثم إذا مات قبلَ أنْ يُكَمّل يُرجَى له العفو من الله، أما الصّيام الرسول قال: “من ماتَ وعليه صيام صام عنه وليُّه” أي قريبُه، هذه تنفع الميت الذي أكل في رمضان ثم مات قبل أن يقضي، قريبه إذا صام عنه كفّارة، أما الصلاة لا، وكذلك بالمال أيضًا…

Allah praised those who keep pr

English Text By May 28, 2018

اللهُ تعالى مدَح الذين يحافظُون على صلواتِهم، فالصّلواتُ الخَمس هي التي تُطَهّر الإنسانَ إن أدّاها كما أمرَ اللهُ وقد قال رسول الله صلَّى الله عليه وسلم: “*مَن تَوضّأ كما أُمِر وصلَّى كما أُمِر غَفَر اللهُ لهُ ما تَقَدَّمَ مِن ذِنبَه*” رواه ابن حبّان Allah praised those who keep praying correctly on time. The Five Obligatory Prayers are the ones which…

Important warnings: The Origin of Man

English Text By May 26, 2018

Important warnings: The Origin of Man Beware of those who claim matters contrary to the truth of Islam. Adam was not the first creation, and all human beings originate from him. Moreover, Prophet Muhammad descended from Prophet Adam. Prophet Muhammad was not the first creation, as some people claim. Also, beware of those who claim the first creation is the…

Allah told about the Jews that they knew Muhammad was a prophet in Surah al-Baqarah, 146: يَعْرِفُونَهُ كَمَا يَعْرِفُونَ أَبْنَاءَهُمْ

English Text By May 23, 2018

Allah told about the Jews that they knew Muhammad was a prophet in Surah al-Baqarah, 146: يَعْرِفُونَهُ كَمَا يَعْرِفُونَ أَبْنَاءَهُمْ which means: [Those whom we have given the book recognize him as they recognize their son.] However, they did not accept, so they belie him with their tongues while they know he is a prophet. The Torah revealed to Moses…