فلسطين الحبيبة Beloved palestine

Miscellaneous By Feb 11, 2020

فلسطين الحبيبة Beloved palestine

إن الحمدَ لله نحمده ونستغفرُهُ وَنستعينه ونستهديه، ونعوذ بالله من شرورِ أنفسنا ومن سيئاتِ أعمالِنا من يهد الله فلا مُضل ومن يُضلل فلا هادي له، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك لَه وأشهد أنّ محمدًا عبده ورسوله من بعثه الله رحمةً للعالمين هادِيًا ومُبشرًا ونَظيرا. بلّغَ الرسالة وأدّى الأمانَة وَنصح الأمة فجزاهُ الله عنا خير ما جزى نبيًا من أنبيائِه، صلوات الله وسلامه عليه وعلى كلِ رسولٍ أرسَلَه.

I praise Allaah and we seek forgiveness from Allaah and we seek the help from Allaah and the guidance from Allaah and we seek refuge with Allaah from our evil inclinations and our ill-doings.

Do know, brothers and sisters, that the one whom Allaah willed for him guidance, there will be no one to misguide him and whomever Allaah willed for him to be misguided, there will not be anyone who is able to guide him.

I do bear witness that Allaah is The Only One who deserves to be worshiped alone without a partner and I bear witness that Muhammad ﷺ is the slave and messenger of Allaah, the one whom Allaah sent as a mercy to the worlds, giving the good tidings and warning against the ill-beliefs and the bad endings, he did deliver and convey the message and he did deliver what he was entrusted with. He did advise the nation the sound advice, may Allaah reward him greatly for all the goodness that he brought onto us and may Allaah raise his ranks and the ranks of his Brothers (brethren) among the prophets and messengers.

Thereafter, brothers and sisters in Islam, I order you and myself with obedience to Allaah, with Taqwaa, with God-fearingness. Perform all the obligations and refrain from all the sins.

Allaah says in the Qur´aan:

مِّنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُوا مَا عَاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ ۖ فَمِنْهُم مَّن قَضَىٰ نَحْبَهُ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَنتَظِرُ ۖ وَمَا بَدَّلُوا تَبْدِيلًا (23)

In this Aayah, Allaah told us that among the believers, there are truthful men, those who were true to the allegiance that they took upon themselves and committed themselves towards Allaah. Some of them have passed away; they died while they were obedient to Allaah and fulfilling their promise and commitment to worship Allaah alone without any partners. And some of them are on the same path, waiting for their death-time and they have not changed a bit, they remained clinging and adhering to the Creed of the Prophet SallAllaahu ^alayhi wa sallam.

Brothers and sister in Islam, for its sake, many eyes have shed tears and for its soil many hearts have longed.

Allaah says in the Qur´aan

سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي أَسْرَىٰ بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلًا مِّنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الْأَقْصَى الَّذِي بَارَكْنَا حَوْلَهُ لِنُرِيَهُ مِنْ آيَاتِنَا ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْبَصِيرُ (1)

In this Aayah that most of us know and most of us usually recite when we are celebrating the occasion of Al-´israa´and al-Mi^raaj, the Night Journey of the Prophet from Makkah to Jerusalem and the Ascension to the sky, in this Aayah, brothers and sisters, the reason I am reciting it here today in this Khutbah, although we are not celebrating Al-´israa´and al-Mi^raaj, to highlight that Allaah started this verse by saying ﴾Subhaana l-Lathee﴿ which means Allaah is clear from all non-befitting attributes. He is the One who enabled His Prophet to take the Night Journey from Makkah to Jerusalem, from Al-Masjid l-Haraam to Al-Masjid l-´aqsaa, the one whom Allaah made it and its surroundings a blessed place and so that Allaah will show him some of the great signs that Allaah created on his Night Journey and Ascension.

SubhaanAllaah﴿ meaning that Allaah is clear from all non-befitting attributes. In this word, Allaah established the Creed of Ahl Sunnah wal-Jamaa^ah.

Brothers and sisters, I am referring to Palestine, the land of Jerusalem, the land of Al-´Aqsaa, the land to which the Prophet ﷺ took his Night Journey and the Qiblah to which the Prophet  ﷺafter Al-Hijrah, he directed himself towards it in prayers for 17 months.

It is Palestine, the land of many Prophets and Messengers. On its land lived Ibrahim and Ishaaq and Ya^qub and Yusuf and Loot and Dawoud and Sulaiman and Zakariah and Yahyaa and ^isaa, ^alayhim s-salaam, and others than them many (and many more) Prophets and Messengers that their names (whose names) were not mentioned.

Brothers and sisters in Islam, it is Palestine, Falastin, the land of the sacred mosque and this land, as the Prophet ﷺ established for us, it is the land of Al-Mahshar wal-Manshar. On the Day of Judgment when the land changes into another flat silver-like earth in that location, people will assemble and they will stand up for their judgment and questioning.

It is Palestine, the area where Al-Masih ad-Dajjaal, the one-eyed false Messiah will be killed at the hands of Prophet ^isa.

It is Palestine, from the area of Ash-Sham, the one for which the Prophet ﷺ made a supplication when he said: Oh Allaah, bless for us the area of Ash-Sham and the area of Al-Yemen that belong to us.

It is Palestine, brothers and sisters, that many companions lived on it (in) among them ^Ubaadatu bnu s-Saamit and Shaddaad bnu ´Aws and ´Usaamah bnu Zayd bnu Haarithah and Waasilatu bnu l-´As^aq and Dihyatu l-Kalbiyy and ´Awsu bnu s-Saamit and Mas^ud bnu ´Aws and others among the generous and kind companions, may Allaah raise their ranks.

Brothers and sisters in Islam, it is Palestine. On its land lived many famous scholars that shed illumination in the skies of the world. Among them: Malik bnu Dinaar and Sufyan th-Thawriyy and bnu Shihab az-Zuhriyy and ash-Shafi^iyy and others.

Yes brothers and sisters, this is Palestine. Because it is Palestine, many sacrifices and many serious endeavors have been spent for its sake and for its sake the just Sultan Mahmud Nur-ddeen Zinki said what means: I feel shy and ashamed even to draw a smile on my face when Jerusalem is seized and occupied.

For it Salahuddin al-´Ayyubiyy stood tall and he prepared himself to liberate the land of Al-´Aqsaa and Allaah enabled him and made him victorious and he liberated Al-´Aqsaa several years after ´Ameer l-Mu´mineen ^Umar bnu l-Khattaab had opened ´Al-Quds.

And for its sake, the great victorious ruler Qutus made his famous call, that is, the cries of war when he said: “waa-´islaamaah” when he determined to defend Jerusalem.

And for its sake, the great Ottoman Sultan Abdülhamid sacrificed his throne and his dominion in that area and he said what means: I am not able to sell even one foot from the land of Palestine.

For its sake, its people who are under occupation picked stones and threw them in the faces of the aggressors and the tyrants! Yes, for its sake those people stood up!

Today, brothers and sisters in Islam, the enemies of Islam they rushed to slaughter us with what they call: “The deal of the century” and rather and rather “a slap of the century”.

And when you look around, you can hardly detect any response or a reply or a supporter that would stand tall and bring to the minds the great memories and achievements of the real men who endeavored and strived at the beginning of this nation.

Brothers and sisters in Islam, the memory of our heroism and the memory of the highest status that we carried should trigger us to endeavor nowadays to support our religion and perhaps you and I would say: What is it that we can do?

And I tell you: Let each and every one of us be another Salahuddin and why not, when the scholars of Islam they established for us and specifically ´Anas bnu Malik said:

“لا يُصلح آخر هذه الأمة إلا ما أصلحَ أوَلها”,

which means: What will bring about a favorable change to this nation, is the same set of doings and applications that brought success and victory to the Muslims at the beginning of this nation.

Allaah said

وَلَيَنصُرَنَّ اللَّهُ مَن يَنصُرُهُ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَقَوِيٌّ عَزِيزٌ

In this Aayah, Allaah said that Allaah shall make victorious whoever remains steady and committed to Allaah with the proper belief and following the methodology of the Prophet and applying the rules of the religion in sincerity.

Let me shed a little bit of light upon Sultan Salahuddin, may Allaah bestow His Mercy about him.

He was a generous man.

He was a patient man coupled with wisdom.

He was well-mannered, he was humble, he memorized the book of Allaah, he memorized the book of Attanbeeh in the Shaafi^iyy jurisprudence (al-Fiqh Shaafi^iyy), he used to listen plenty and exaggerate  in listening attentively to the sayings of the Prophet ﷺ, he had a very soft heart and his tears would flow out of his eyes rather quickly whenever he hears the Qur´aan and the Hadeeth.

He was a man who held the rights the Religion, the signs of the Religion at a very high status.

He was very modest and humble in the way he dressed and in the way he ate.

He did not delay a prayer from its due time and he never prayed except in Jamaa^ah.

He built the mosques and the schools and he built the citadel of the Mountain and he put a fence around the city of Cairo. H

He liberated Jerusalem and he built the Dome of Al-´imaam Shaafi^iyy and he stopped the taxes and he was a Shaafi^iyy in Al-Fiqh and he was an ´Ash^ariyy in Al-^aqeedah.

He built a school in Cairo to teach the Creed of Ahl Sunnah wal-Jamaa^ah, strictly to teach the Creed Ahl Sunnah wal-Jamaa^ah and he ordered the Mu´adhdhins, those who call for the prayer, to broadcast from the top of minarets this Creed, so that the people would learn it and in this Creed those Mu´adhdhins on the top of the minarets every night would broadcast:

Allaah exists before the creations existed.

Allaah does not have a before nor an after.

Allaah does not have anything above him or anything beneath Him.

There is no “right” attributed to Allaah and there is no “left” attributed to Him. There is no “in front of” and no “behind” attributed to Him and Allaah is clear of having a totalness or division and we do not attribute to Allaah “when was He” or “where was He” or “how was He”.

Allaah existed and there was no place. He created the universe and He created the time. Time does not run on Him and He is not specified by places, which means: Allaah is clear from time and place and directions.

This is the Creed of Ahlu Sunnah.

This is the Creed of someone like Salahuddin l-´Ayyubiyy.

This is the Creed of ^Umar bnu l-Khattaab.

This is the Creed of the people who opened Jerusalem and who liberated Jerusalem. These are the people who committed themselves to Allaah by endorsing the methodology of the Prophet and the Creed of the Prophet ﷺ and those, the people who were supported by the victory of Allaah.

Today, they slapped us with this degradation and humility of what they called: “The Deal of the Century” and who supported them? The people who are similar to them in the Creed, whether the Jews or other than the Jews among the non-muslims, they believe that Allaah has a place and the time runs on Him and that He is subject to directions and the Jews they say that Allaah after He created the earth and the skies, He got tired and on Saturday, he lied back on the ^arsh, the throne and they made the Throne a place for Allaah والعياذ بالله and this is the concept where they started contradicting the Creed of Ahl Sunnah wal-Jamaa^ah and say Allaah sits on Al-^arsh!

This is the creed of those who slapped us on the face today!

This is the creed of the people who are remaining silent today and endorsing this slap and accepting this humiliation because they spread among the people this same creed of the Jews! They tell them: Allaah sits on Al-^arsh!

They tell them: Allaah has a hand and Allaah has bodily organs!

سبحان الله, in the past, those supporters of this deal among the Arabs, they used to hide and camouflage things and sneak their ill creeds behind weils! Today they are so daring and abhorrent that they stood out clearly to announce their acceptance …

but brothers and sisters, we know better! We know our priorities better!

Allaahتبارك وتعالى  created us with a clear purpose.

Allaah said in al-Qur´aan

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ

Allaah told us that He created the Jinn and the humans to order them to worship Allaah and how to worship Allaah? Allaah sent Prophets and Messengers, the first of them was Adam and after Adam his sons Sheeth and Idris and then Nuh received the revelation and the other Prophets and Messengers, they came to teach the people that The Creator of this universe is Allaah.

His name Allaah Who does not resemble the creations (in any way) who has Power over everything and He has the befitting Attributes of Perfection and that whoever worships Allaah correctly while maintaining this Creed shall be a winner in the Hereafter.

This is the message of all the Prophets, starting by Adam, passing by Ibrahim, passing by Musa, passing by ^isa and ending by the Prophet Muhammad.

Brothers and sisters in Islam, this is what would bring Victory onto us.

Brothers and sisters, raising children among sons and daughters, for them to live and make their only burden in this life what to eat and what to drink and how much money to gather and how to show off by having a better house than my other brother or by having a better car than my other brother, is an ailment and a sickness that we need to resist.

Let us make, brothers and sisters, the case of Jerusalem always presence in our hearts.

Let us raise our children on the notion that we Muslim do not accept the degradation!

We do not accept anyone to humiliate us!

We will always raise our heads we will always follow the methodology of the Prophet!

We will always endeavor and put hard work just like the early Muslims. At the beginning of this message, they did and if we do that in sincerity, إن شاء الله تعالى Allaah will change things to the better and Allaah will make us victorious.

Haven’t you seen from the stories in Al-Qur´aan what Allaah did to the people who decided to invaded Al-Ka^bah and to demolish it?

Haven’t you seen what Allaah did to the people of ^aad and the people of Thamud?

Don’t feel down yet!

Do not submit to the degradation!

Do not accept!

Express your rejection!

This is the Religion of Muhammad ﷺ!

This is the land of the Muslims and the Prophets!

This is the land of our Moses and our Jesus and our Muhammad, ^alayhim Salawaatu l-Laah ´ajma^een!