Our Master Muhammad ﷺ, the great prophet, came with a great law

English Text By Jun 05, 2018

Our Master Muhammad ﷺ, the great prophet, came with a great law indicating what is lawful (halal) and unlawful (haram), what is obligatory (wajib) and recommended (sunnah), disliked (makruh), valid (sahih), and invalid (batil). He who learns the personal obligatory knowledge and passes it on to his parents, wife, kids, beloved ones, neighbours has earned a great deal.

Dear Muslims; Attend the circles of Religious Knowledge and implement what you learn so that you will be complete and true followers of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. However, chanting and praising the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, and decorating here and there only without performing the obligations and avoiding the prohibitions is not what the Messenger of Allah ﷺ loves for us. What he loves for us is to be obedient slaves to Allah, by performing the obligations and avoiding the prohibitions. Just as we stress on our disagreement with those who deem commemorating the Birth of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as unlawful, we also disagree with those singers who perform the unlawful singing without performing the obligations and avoiding the prohibitions.