AnNajaashiyy Embracing Islam

Miscellaneous By Jun 05, 2018

AnNajaashiyy Embracing Islam

After the Qurayshis left the session `Amru bnil `Aass said:

I am going back tomorrow to uproot them.

– He went back and said to anNajaashiyy: Those people say appalling saying about `Eesaa. Send to them and ask them.

– AnNajaashiyy then asked the companions.

– Ja`far said:

We say what our Prophet conveyed. `Eesaa is Allah’s servant and his messenger. His soul belongs to Allah and Allah made it honorable. He is the good news which the angel conveyed to the devoted, virgin Mary.

– AnNajaashiyy stretched his hand to the ground and picked a stick and said:

`Eesaa the son of Mary did not go beyond what you just said by the weight of this stick.

– AnNajaashiyy’s priests snorted. (In another narration they said: By Allah, if the Abyssinians hear that they will take you off the kingship.)

– AnNajaashiyy said addressing the Muslims:

Even if you snorted, by Allah, go you are safe on the land and whoever cusses you will be fined. I do not like to have a mountain of gold at the expense of harming anyone of you.

– AnNajaashiyy then said:

Give the Delegation back their gifts I have no use for them.

Let them leave my country.

The Delegation then left with miserable failure and the presents they brought were returned to them.

– AnNajaashiyy said to the Muslims: Stay in my country as long as you wish.

Then said,

Allah did not take money from me when He brought me back my kingship and He did not obey the people when He adjusted my status, I then will not obey the people regarding what He deserves.

You are welcome and the one who sent is also welcome.

**I profess that he is the Messenger of Allah and he is the one whom `Eesaa spoke about.

Had I not been accountable to rule I would go to him to kiss his sandal!**