The one who believes in Allah believes that Allah is the Creator of everything and the True Owner of everything, and that He deserves to be worshipped, and that He deserves to be obeyed.

Arabic - English Text By Jun 01, 2018

الإيمان الصحيح يتضمن الإيمان بكل هذه الأمور، فمن ءامن بالله يؤمن بأن الله هو خالق كل شىء ،هو المالك الحقيقي للأشياء كلها وأنه يستحق العباده والطاعة. فمن ءامن بأن الله يستحق العبادة والطاعة فعليه أن يعرف كيف يعبده وكيف يطيعه. فالله تفضلاً منه ورحمة أرسل رسلاً ليبلغوا الناس ويدعوهم لعبادته ويعلموهم كيف يعبدونه وكيف يطيعونه، فمن ءامن بالله يؤمن برسله وبالوحي المنزل على الأنبياء.

The proper belief in Allah includes believing in all these matters. The one who believes in Allah believes that Allah is the Creator of everything and the True Owner of everything, and that He deserves to be worshipped, and that He deserves to be obeyed.

The one who believes that Allah deserves to be worshipped and to be obeyed needs to know how to worship Him and how to obey Him. Allah, by His great Generosity and Mercy, sent prophets to call people to worship Him and to believe in Him and to teach them how to worship Him and how to obey Him.

The one who believes in Allah, believes in His Messengers and the Revelation revealed to the prophets.

الاعتقَادُ الصَحيحُ هو أساسُ الأعمالِ هُوَ رَأسُمَالِ المُسْلِمِ، بدونِ الإيمانِ لا تُقبَلُ أعمالُ الإنسان؛ المؤمن لو عَمِلَ ذَرَةً مِنْ عَمَلٍ وكانت موافقة للشرع تُقبَلُ عِندَ اللهِ تعالى.

The True Belief is the basis of the deeds and it is the foundation for the Muslim. Without the belief, the deeds of the person are not accepted. If the believer does as much as a speck of a good deed, which complies with the Religion, it will be accepted by Allah the Exalted.