It is indeed proper and timely for both the husband and wife to aid one another in acts of obedience like awaking for night prayers.

English Text By May 23, 2018

The servant is a worldly benefit, but to praise and glorify Allah in the manner described will bring the person a greater and everlasting benefit in the Hereafter, evidenced in the meaning of the previously mentioned Ayah of the Qur’an وَالآَخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ وَأَبْقَى : {The Hereafter is more beneficial and everlasting}.

In those early days, people used to grind the wheat and knead the dough at home, to make their bread. It was not as easy as today. Even Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet, complained of the effects that grinding the wheat and kneading, had left on her hands.

Some scholars who explained the meanings of the Holy Qur’an interpreted the Ayah in the context of the hadith and added that Fatimah will experience as a result of the habitual recitations a physical power that will enable her to fulfil the chores more efficiently than a servant.”

Allah has the Power over everything. Absolutely nothing incapacitates Him. Isn’t it related as a fact that the righteous steadfast Muslim (at-Taqiyy), by virtue of that Muslim’s religiosity, will not feel hunger when the sedition of famine will spread during the time of Ad-Dajjal? Yes, it is. So, there is no doubt in the truthfulness of the directive of Prophet Muhammad, may Allah raise his rank.

Indeed beautiful is the family who is reliant totally on the Lord of the worlds.

Today, in the current economic circumstances obvious to all, most men have become unable to hire an in-house maid for their wives.

The wife finds herself patiently fulfilling the chores in the house day and night. Hence it is proper and timely for the husband to remind his wife of what the Prophet advised and what is more in her favour for the Hereafter.

It is indeed proper and timely for both the husband and wife to aid one another in acts of obedience like awaking for night prayers.

قَالَ رَسولُ الله صَلَّى الله عليهِ وسلَّم :” قالت أمُّ سليمانَ بنِ داودَ لسليمانَ: يا بُنَيَّ، لا تُكْثِرِ النومَ بالليل، فإنَّ كثرةَ النومِ بالليل تتركُ الإنسانَ فقيًرا يومَ القيامة “رواه النسائي وابن ماجه والبيهقي.

Despite the fact that Prophet Sulayman was not one who used to sleep for long hours at night, his mother still reminded him of the better deed.

The Prophet, may Allah raise his rank said in a hadith: “The mother of Sulayman Ibn Dawud said to Sulayman, ‘O son, do not sleep for long hours at night as sleeping for long hours at night leaves the person poor on the Day of Judgement” (Related by An-Nasa’iy, Ibn Majah and Al-Bayhaqiyy).

So, wake up at night and awaken your wife to perform prayers. Definitely, the number of breaths is limited and life will inevitably end.

قَالَ رَسولُ الله صَلَّى الله عليهِ وسلَّم : ” رحم اللهُ رجلا قامَ من الليل فصلى وأيقظَ امرأتَه فصلتْ، فإنْ أبتْ نضحَ في وجهها الماء – أي رشَّهُ رشًّا خفيفا

The honest and truthful Prophet, may Allah raise his rank, said in a hadith: “Allah will bestow mercy upon the husband who wakes up at night and prays as well as awakens his wife to pray and if she is overcome by sleep, he sprinkles water on her face” (i.e. sprays a few droplets of water to help her wake up).

وقال عليه الصلاة والسلام : رحِم الله امرأةً قامتْ من الليل فصلتْ وأيقظتْ زوجَها فصلى، فإنْ أبى نضحتْ في وجهِه الماءَ “. رواه أحمد وأبو داود والنسائي وابن ماجه وابن حبان والحاكم.

Similarly, he, may Allah raise his rank said in a hadith: “Allah will bestow mercy upon the wife who wakes up at night and prays as well as awakens her husband to pray and if he is overcome by sleep, she sprinkles water on his face”(Related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, An-Nasa’iy, Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim).