It has been narrated that a great companion by the name of Salman al-Farisiyy radiy-Allaahu anhu said:
_The Prophet Sallallaahu ^alayhi wa sallam addressed us the last day of Sha^baan before RamaDaan and said what means: “O people, indeed a great and blessed month has approached us, a month which includes a night which is better than a thousand months, a month which Allaah subHaanahu wa ta^aalaa has made it an obligation to fast and made it recommended to engage during its nights in acts of obedience and this is the month of patience. And the reward for patience is Paradise.”_
_Then our beloved Prophet continued and said what means:”It is the month of goodness, whoever invites a brother Muslim to break his fast during this month will earn forgiveness and safety from the torture of Hellfire, and will earn great reward without the reward of that person lessening.” The companions, may Allaah raise their rank said, what means: “O Messenger of Allaah, not all of us are financially capable of inviting someone to break their fast.” The Prophet, Sallallaahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said what means: “Allaah subHaanahu wa ta^aalaa grants this reward to those who invite someone to break their fast even on a piece of date or a sip of water or milk, and this is a month in which, the first third of it is mercy, and its middle is forgiveness and the last of it is a saviour from Hellfire. And whosoever invites one to break their fast on a drink of water, will drink from my basin before entering Paradise and never feel thirsty ever again.”_
Brothers and Sister in Islaam, Allaah The Exalted has generously granted us in a specific month throughout the entire year the opportunity to spend our days in a great act of worship out of wisdom and mercy, so that we can earn a great amount of reward for our Hereafter. For this reason we need to approach this blessed month with complete focus, enthusiasm and eagerness so that we can earn the promised reward and enjoyment from Allaah subHaanahu wa ta^aalaa.