Allāh created the universe without needing it

English Text By May 27, 2017

From the inheritance of mercy from the knowledge of our shaykh the scholar Of Jurisprudence The Hāfidh The Scholar Of Fundamentals ^Abdullāh Al-Harariyy May Allāh Have Mercy Upon Him Said:

From the inheritance of mercy from the knowledge of our shaykh the scholar of jurisprudence the hāfidh the scholar of fundamentals ^abdullāh al-harariyy may allāh have mercy upon him said:

Allāh created the universe without needing it, that is, He does not benefit from His creation and He does not ward off Himself any harm by them.  So if it is said: “Why did He create the creation then?  the answer is:  He created the creation as a sign of His Power, that is, so that they know Him and so that they know that He is attributed with Power nothing disables Him, then, by them knowing that they would benefit because whoever believes in Him and believes that He is attributed with attributes of perfection then such a person would have everlasting bliss in Paradise.  I hope for supplication.