the Prophet, may peace be upon him, said money is a blessing for the pious Muslim who acquires it from a halal way and spends it doing good.

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

Fellow muslims fear Allah and do not let the temptations of this life, and money preoccupy you and distract you from working towards the good things that Allah prepared for you in the Hereafter, which are surely better than what this life has to offer.

The Prophet, صلى الله عليه وسلم, as was narrated in Sahih Muslim likened the desire to have money to the ripe sweet fruit that one is drawn to and wants. It is a great endowment from Allah on the Muslim slave to grant him money from a halal source and enable him to spend it in a good way, such as spending it on his wife with a good intention or his children, parents, relatives, or doing other good deeds. Money taken from a halal source and spent in a way that is in agreement with the religion, is an aid for the person who spent it; it helps him in the Hereafter just as it helps him in his day to day life. On the other hand, the one who acquires the money in a forbidden way will lose its blessing and deserve punishment in the hereafter; even if the money is a large sum, he will be like the one who eats but does not feel full.

Money, fellow Muslims, is not dispraised under all circumstances. the Prophet, may peace be upon him, said money is a blessing for the pious Muslim who acquires it from a halal way and spends it doing good. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and his companions were good role models for us to follow; they used to spend their money in rewardable good ways. Ibn ^Abbas, may Allah have mercy upon him, said that the Prophet was the most giving person and he was most giving in Ramadan when Angel Jibril would meet him. Our master Abu Bakr was a great example in giving for the sake of Allah; he spent his entire wealth seeking the reward in the Hereafter, supporting this religion and the Prophet, and helping the weak muslims. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said no money benefitted me as much as Abu Bakr’s money. At that Abu Bakr cried and said my money and I are at your service o messenger of Allah. Our master ^Umar said that the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام asked them to give in charity and that coincided with money that he had so he thought today is the day that he will be ahead of Abu Bakr. He continued to say that he brought forth half of his money. The Prophet said to him, what did you leave for your family; ^Umar replied that he left a similar amount for them. Abu Bakr brought forth all his money and when the Prophet asked him what he left for his family, he said I left them in the protection of Allah and His prophet. ^Umar then said to Abu Bakr, “I will never try to compete with you again.”

So ask yourself my dear Muslim brother before acquiring money and spending it, where are you getting it from? and what you are spending it on? The messenger of Allah said what means that in the hereafter a person after coming out of his grave will not move forward until he is asked about four matters: how he spent his life, how he implemented the knowledge one learned, how he acquired his money and how did he spend it, and how he used his body. So fellow brothers, ask yourselves these questions before you are asked about them in the hereafter, and hold yourself to account before you are held accountable. May Allah make us among those who spend money in doing good deeds and acts of obedience, and from those who spend their day and night gaining rewards for the Hereafter, the day in which money and children are of no value, and what benefits the person is his good deeds.