One must also believe in the believers (seeing Allah, ta^ala, with the eye in the Hereafter,)

English Text By Jul 05, 2015

One must also believe in the believers (seeing Allah, ta^ala, with the eye in the Hereafter,) and that this is a true matter.  This is an enjoyment exclusive to the Believers.  They will see Allah while they are in Paradise, (without Him having a form or being in a place or a direction), i.e., without Him resembling any of the creation, as stated by Imam Abu Hanifah[1], may Allah raise his rank.  (They see Him different from the way a creation is seen).  The seen creation is in a place different than the place where the created observer is.  However, in the Hereafter, the Muslims will be in their everlasting place in Paradise, and they will see Allah without Him being in a place.

One must also believe in (the dwelling forever in Paradise or Hellfire;) i.e., it is obligatory to believe that the Believers dwell everlastingly in Paradise, that the blasphemers dwell everlastingly in Hellfire, and that there is no death after that.


[1] He said in alFiqh al’Akbar: “Allah ta^ala is seen in the hereafter. The believers see Him with the eyes of their heads, while they are in Paradise, without Allah resembling any of the creation, without Him having a form or a size, and without there being a distance between Him and His creation.” Refer to the explanation of “AlFiqh al’Akbar” by Mulla ^Aliyy alQari, published by the House of AlKutub al^Ilmiyyah, 1st edition (pg. 119).