(Among what the Prophet informed us) and which one must believe in without a doubt, (are: the torture in the grave)

English Text By Jul 05, 2015

(Among what the Prophet informed us) and which one must believe in without a doubt, (are: the torture in the grave) by body and soul.  Among the torture in the grave for the blasphemer is seeing Hellfire twice a day, once in the beginning of the day and once in the end of the day.  He is tortured by seeing the place he will dwell in (forever) in the Hereafter.  Also among the torture of the grave is being bothered by the darkness and the loneliness in the grave.  (And) one must also believe in (the enjoyment therein;) i.e., the enjoyment in the grave such as it being widened 70 by 70 cubits and it being illuminated by a light that resembles the light of the full moon.

One must also believe in (the questioning of the two angels, Munkar and Nakir) who ask this nation’s  believers and blasphemers about the belief on which they died.  Each one will answer according to his situation.   However, the prophet, the child who died before puberty, and battlefield martyr are exempted from this questioning of the angels.