خالد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه
سَيفُ اللهِ المسلول
Khalid Ibn al-Walid: The Drawn Sword of Allah
Died (21H)
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام الأتمان الأكملان على سيدنا محمد, من رَغَّبَ بالعَملِ للجنانِ, وحذر من سلوك الطريق الموصل للنيرانِ. وعلى ءاله وصحبه الطيبين الطاهرين. يقول الله تبارك وتعالى ﴿مِنَ المُؤمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُواْ مَا عَاهَدوُاْ اللهَ عَلَيهِ فَمِنهُم مَنْ قَضَى نَحْبَهُ وَمِنهُم مَّنْ يَنتَظِرُ وَمَا بَدَّلُواْ تَبدِيلاً﴾ الأحزاب/ ٢٣. من هؤلاء الأبطال الأفذاد الصادقين الموفين بعهودهم الصابرين الذين أقاموا الصلاة وءاتوا الزكاة وأمروا بالمعروف ونهوا عن المنكر وخافوا من الله حق الخوف وزكوا أنفسهم حتى صارت نفوسًا مطمئنة, رجل أحب الجهاد في سبيل الله حتى دخل شغاف قلبه, شغفه حبًا, ولكن مات على فراشه ولم يمت في أرض المعركة, إنه سيدنا خالد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه وجزاه عن الإسلام خير الجزاء.
Praise be to Allah and may Allah increase the honor and raise the rank of our Master Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam.
Thereafter dear Muslims, Allah mentioned in the Qur’an that some men among the believers were truthful in the oath they made to Allah, some of them had died and others are waiting to follow the same path, and they never changed their oath.
Among those truthful unique heroes who fulfilled their oaths, who performed the prayer, paid the Zakah, commanded the obligatory (ma^ruf), and forbade the unlawful (munkar), feared Allah the true fearing; purified their selves until it became satisfied. Among them there was a man who loved Jihad for the sake of Allah with passion and was fond of it; however, he died on his bed and did not die in the battlefield. He is our Master Khalid Ibn al-Walid, may Allah raise his rank and reward him with the good reward for the good deeds he did to Islam.
قصة إسلامه:
His embracing Islam
حَدَّثَ سيدنا عن مسيره إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من مكة إلى المدينة المنورة ليأخذ دوره في قافلة المؤمنين فقال: ووددت لو أجد من أصاحب, فلقيت عثمان بن طلحة, فذكرت له الذي أريد فأسرع الإجابة, وخرجنا جميعا فأدلجنا سحرًا, فلما كنا بالسهل إذا عمرو بن العاص, فقال مرحبًا بالقوم, قلنا: وبك, قال: أين مسيركم؟ فأخبرناه, وأخبرنا أيضًا أنه يريد النبي ليسلم, فاصطحبنا حتى قدمنا المدينة أول يوم من صفر سنة ثمان. فلما طلعت على رسول الله سلمت عليه بالنبوة فرد علي السلام بوجه طلق. فأسلمت وشهدت شهادة الحق. فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «قد كنت أرى لك عقلا رجوت ألا يسلمك إلا إلى خير». وبايعت رسول الله وقلت: استغفر لي كل ما أوضعت فيه من صد عن سبيل الله, فقال: «إنَّ الإسلامَ يَجُبُ مَا قَبْلَهُ». قُلْتُ: يا رسول الله على ذلك فقال: اللَّهُمَّ اغفر لخالد بن الوليد كل ما أوضع فيه من صد عن سبيلك, قال: وتقدم عمرو بن العاص, وعثمان بن طلحة, فأسلما وبايعا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم.
Our Master Khalid Ibn al-Walid spoke about his trip from Makkah to the enlightened Madinah to meet the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam and be among the believers. He said: I wished to find who would accompany me, so I saw ^Uthman Ibn Talhah; I mentioned to him what I wanted; he was quick to respond. We left together before dawn, when we were in the plain land we met ^Amr Ibn al-^As. He welcomed us; we did the same to him. He said: Where are you heading for? We told him. He told us that he was going to see the Prophet to embrace Islam too.
So he accompanied us until we reached Madinah on the first day of Safar in the eight year of Hijrah (Migration of the Prophet).
Khalid said: When I went to see the Prophet, I said salam (salutation) to him and mentioned in my salam his status of prophethood. He answered my salam with a bright face. So I embraced Islam and uttered the Testification of Truth. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam said what means: “I saw that you had a mind, and I had hoped that it will not lead you to other than goodness.”
Khalid said: I pledged allegiance to the Messenger of Allah and said: I ask Allah for forgiveness about all what I did of blocking others from embracing Islam. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam said what means: “Islam erases what one had committed before he embraced it.” I said: O Messenger of Allah even if I did what I did? The Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam then said what means: “O Allah forgive what Khalid Ibn al-Walid did of blocking people from embracing Islam.”
Khalid said: ^Amr Ibn al-^As and ^Uthman Ibn Talhah then proceeded and pledged allegiance to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam.
في غزوة مؤتة:
Raid of Mu’tah
عن إبراهيم بن يحيى بن زيد بن ثابت قال: لما كان يوم مؤتة وقتل الأمراء أخذ اللواء ثابت بن أقرم وجعل يصيح: يا للأنصار, فجعل الناس يثوبون إليه, فنظر إلى خالد بن الوليد, فقال خذ اللواء يا أبا سليمان, فقال لا ءاخذه, أنت أحق به, لك سن وقد شهدت بدرا, فقال ثابت: خذه أيها الرجل فوالله ما أخذته إلا لك, وقال ثابت للناس: اصطلحتم على خالد؟ قالوا: نعم, فحمل اللواء وحمل بأصحابه ففض جمعًا من جمع المشركين. ولي سيدنا خالد أمره الجيش, بعد أن كان وضع المعركة أصبح واضحًا فضحايا المسلمين كثيرون, وجيش الروم في كثرته الساحقة كاسح, جرار, ولكن صاحب القلب الشجاع والبصيرة النافذة, رمق أرض المعركة الواسعة بعينين كعيني الصقر وأدار الخطة العسكرية في بديهته بسرعة مذهلة, فقسم جيشه, والقتال دائر إلى مجموعات, ثم وكل إلى كل مجموعة مهامها وراح يستعمل فنه العجيب ودهاءه البليغ حتى خرج بجيش المسلمين سليمًا معافى. وفي هذه الغزوة أنعم الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم على خالد بن الوليد بهذا اللقب العظيم سيف من سيوف الله.
Ibrahim Ibn Yahya said: On the day of Mu’tah when the Amirs (commanders) were killed, Thabit Ibnul-Aqram took the banner and started yelling: Come on O Ansar (supporters of the Prophet in Madinah). He then looked at Khalid Ibn al-Walid and said: “Take the banner O Aba Sulayman.” He said: “I will not take it, you are more deserving of taking it, you are older and you took part in the battle of Badr.”
Thabit said: Take it O man, I swear by Allah that I will not take it for other than you. He then said: “O people, have you agreed on Khalid? They said: Yes.
He then carried the banner and led the army after the situation of the battle became clear, the dead among the Muslims were many, and the Roman army with its huge number was a sweeping army. However, the one who has a brave heart and a penetrating insight looked at the battlefield with the eyes of a hawk and directed the military plan with his intuition in an amazing speed. He divided the army into groups while the fighting was going on, and assigned to each group its missions, he started to use his wondrous art and eloquent cunning until he made the army leave the battle intact and healthy. In this battle the Prophet sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam told him of the endowment that he will be nicknamed as “A sword among the Swords of Allah”.
فتح مكة:
Conquering Makkah
تنكث قريش عهدها مع الرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فيتحرك المسلمون تحت قيادته لفتح مكة, وعلى الجناح الأيمن من الجيش يجعل الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم خالد بن الوليد أميرًا, ويدخل خالد مكة واحدا من قادة الجيش المسلم, بعد أن شهدته سهولها وجبالها قائدًا من قواد جيش الوثنية والشرك زمنًا طويلاً, وينتفض تحت روعة المشهد وجلاله, مشهد المستضعفين الذين لا تزال جسومهم تحمل ءاثار التعذيب والتنكيل, يعودون إلى البلد الذي أخرجوا منه بغيًا وعدوانًا, يعودون إليه على صهوات جيادهم, وتحت رايات الإسلام الخفاقة. ويشهد سيدنا خالد هذا الفتح العظيم المبارك وهو بطل من أبطاله.
When Quraysh breached the treaty it made with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet led the Muslims to open Makkah. He appointed Khalid Ibn al-Walid to lead the right wing of the army. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam made Khalid an Amir (commander), he would then enter Makkah as one of the leaders of the Muslim army after its plain land and mountains witnessed him among the leaders of the army of the blasphemers for a long time. Khalid was moved at the greatness of the scenery of the enlightenment which was approaching Makkah, it is the scenery of the weak ones, whose bodies still carry the traces of torture and oppression. They are coming back to the country which they were forced out of it unjustly and aggressively, they are coming back on their horses under the fluttering banners of Islam. Our Master Khalid Ibn al-Walid witnesses this great and blessed opening as a hero among its heroes.
حروب الردة:
The Apostasy wars
بعد أن توفي الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام وحمل أبو بكر رضي الله عنه مسؤولية الخلافة, هبت أعاصير الردة ونشبت نيران الفتنة في قبائل أسد غطفان وعبس وطيء وذبيان, ثم في قبائل بني عامر وهوازن وسليم وبني تميم وصارت جيوشًا جرارة قوامها عشرات الألوف من المقاتلين, وواجه الإسلام محنة خطيرة, ولكن كان هناك أفضل أولياء أهل الأرض من البشر بعد الأنبياء سيدنا أبو بكر رضي الله عنه الذي عبأ المسلمين وقادهم إلى حيث كانت قبائل بني عبس وبني مرة وذبيان قد خرجوا في جيش كبير, وانتصر المسلمون.
After the death of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam Abu Bakr was given the allegiance as the caliph of the Muslims, the winds of apostasy blew, and the fire of fitnah (sedition) was agitated in the tribes of Asad Ghatfan, ^Abs, Tay’, and Dhubyan. Then it reached the tribes of Bani ^Amir, Huwazan, Sulaym, and Bani Tamim until it became sweeping armies of about tens of thousands of fighters. At that time Islam faced a dangerous ordeal; however, there was the best of the awliya’ (upright righteous Muslim) of the people of earth after the prophets, our Master Abu Bakr may Allah raise his rank. He mobilized the Muslims and led them to where the tribes of Bani ^Abs, Bani Murah, and Dhubyan have come out with a huge army; the Muslims won this battle.
ثم إلى معركة ثانية يكون فيها سيدنا خالد بن الوليد أمير لواء, وقد قال له سيدنا أبو بكر: سمعت رسول الله يقول: «نعم عبد الله, وأخو العشيرة خالد بن الوليد, سيف من سيوف الله, سله الله على الكافرين والمنافقين», ومضى خالد إلى سبيله ينتقل بجيشه من معركة إلى معركة ومن نصر إلى نصر حتى كانت المعركة الفاصلة «باليمامة» حيث كان بنو حنيفة ومن انحاز إليهم من القبائل قد جيشوا أخطر جيوش الردة قاطبة يقودها مسيلمة الكذاب, وقد جاء الأمر من سيدنا أبي بكر الصديق للقائد البطل خالد بن الوليد أن سِرْ إليهم, وسار سيدنا خالد ولم يكد مسيلمة يعلم أن ابن الوليد في الطريق إليه حتى أعاد تنظيم جيشه ليكون خصمًا رهيبًا وخطرًا حقيقيًا ضد جيوش الحق.
In another battle, Khalid Ibn al-Walid was also a leader, Abu Bakr said to him what means: I have heard the Messenger of Allah saying: “Among the good slaves of Allah, and the brother of the clan is Khalid Ibn al-Walid. He is a sword among the ‘Swords of Allah’ which Allah has made it pulled off against the blasphemers and the hypocrites.”
Khalid then set forth with his army, taking it from one battle to another, and from one victory to another until it was the decisive Battle of “al-Yamamah”. Banu Hunaifah along with the tribes which joined them mobilized the most dangerous armies of apostasy ever under the leadership of Musaylimah al-Kadhab.
Abu Bakr as–Siddiq then sent the orders to the heroic leader Khalid Ibn al-Walid to march towards those armies, our Master Khalid obeyed the order. When Musaylimah al-Kadhab heard that Ibn al-Walid was on his way to fight him he re-organized his army so that it will be a fearful enemy and a real danger against the armies of Truth.
ونزل خالد بجيشه على كثيب مشرف على اليمامة, وأقبل مسيلمة في خيلائه وبغيه وبصفوف جيشه الكثير العدد, وسلم خالد الألوية والرايات لقادة جيشه, والتحم الجيشان ودار قتال وسقط العديد من المسلمين شهداء, ثم أبصر خالد رجحان كفة الأعداء فاعتلى بجواده ربوة قريبة ونظر إلى سير المعركة وصار ينادي فيالق جيشه وأجنحته, ثم صاح بصوته: امتازوا لنرى اليوم بلاء كل حي. فمضى المهاجرون تحت رايتهم والأنصار تحت رايتهم, واشتعلت الأنفس حماسة, وامتلأت عزمًا، وخالد يرسل بين الحين والحين تكبيرة أو تهليلة أو صيحة يلقي بها أمرا, وفي دقائق معدودة تحول اتجاه المعركة وراح جنود مسيلمة يتساقطون بالعشرات, وقتل مسيلمة الكذاب وملأت جثث رجاله وجيشه أرض القتال, وطويت راية الكذاب تحت التراب.
Khalid then stationed his army at a sand hill overlooking al-Yamamah, Musaylimah then came with his horses, his huge army in number, and his injustice. Khalid then gave the banners to the leaders of his army. Many of the Muslims died as martyrs, when Khalid saw that the enemies were prevailing; he went on his horse to a hill, which was close to him; and looked at the pace of the battle. He started to call the divisions and the wings of his army with his highest voice: “Do your best today so that we will see how every living person would fight.”
Al-Muhajrun (the migrants from Makkah to Madinah) then went under their banner and al-Ansar went under their banner. The selves then erupted with enthusiasm, and was filled with determination; meanwhile; Khalid was saying from time to time a takbirah (Allahu akbar), a tahlilah (La ilaha illallah), or a scream; he would do that in a commanding sound.
In just few moments the pace of the battle was reversed and the soldiers of Musaylimah started to fell in the tens, Musaylimah himself was killed and the dead bodies of his men and army filled the battleground; his banner was folded under the ground.
ثم أرسل أبو بكر الصديق توجيهاته إلى خالد بن الوليد أن يمضي بجيشه نحو العراق. ولقد استهل عمله في العراق بكتب أرسلها إلى جميع ولاة كسرى ونوابه على ألوية العراق ومدائنه جاء فيها:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم: من خالد بن الوليد … إلى مرازبة فارس….
سلام على من اتبع الهدى… أما بعد, فالحمد لله الذي فض خدمكم, وسلب ملككم, ووهن كيدكم…فوالذي لا إله غيره لأبعثنَ إليكم قوما يحبون الموت كما تحبون الحياة.
وجاءت طلائعه التي بثها في كل مكان بأنباء الزحوف الكثيرة التي يعدها له قواد الفرس في العراق, فلم يضيع وقته فاستولى بسرعة كبيرة على الأبلة, والسدير, والنجف, والحيرة, فالأنبار, فالكاظمية, مواكب نصر تتبعها مواكب ترتفع فيها رايات الإسلام. وسار بجيشه الظافر يصحبه النصر حتى وقف على تخوم الشام لمحاربة الروم.
Abu Bakr as–Siddiq then sent his directives to Khalid Ibn al-Walid to head with his army to Iraq. He started his work in Iraq by sending letters to the rulers and deputies whom Kisra had already appointed on the brigades in Iraq and in its cities, among what he wrote in them:
It means: “In the name of Allah the Merciful to the believers and the non-believers in this world and the Merciful to the believers only in the hereafter.”
From Khalid Ibn al-Walid…To the Marazibah of Persia…
May peace be upon those who followed guidance…Thereafter, Praise be to Allah who made your servants go, your dominion taken from you, and your cunning weakened.
I swear by the One Whom there is no God but Him that I will send you people who love death as much as you love life.}
He then got the news from the intelligence which he spread everywhere that the leaders of Persia were preparing huge armies to fight him. He did not waste his time, he seized in a very high speed al-Ublah, as-Sadir, an-Najaf, al-Hirah, al-Anbar, and al-Kadhimyah. Processions of victory were then followed by processions carrying the banners of Islam, he then proceeded with his victorious army until he stopped at the boundaries of ash-Sham to fight the Romans.
معركة اليرموك:
Yarmuk battle
وجند الخليفة الصديق لهذه الغاية جيوشًا عديدة واختار لإمارتها نفرا من القادة المهرة, فأرسل أبا عبيدة بن الجراح, وعمرو بن العاص, ويزيد بن أبي سفيان.
وأعد الروم للقتال جيشًا قوامه مائتان وأربعون ألفًا. في هذه الأثناء أرسل سيدنا أبو بكر إلى خالد بن الوليد ليأتي إلى الشام فامتثل سيدنا خالد وأطاع وترك على العراق «المثنى بن حارثة» وسار مع قواته التي اختارها حتى وصل مواقع المسلمين بأرض الشام, ونظم الجيش ونسق مواقعه في وقت وجيز, ووقف سيدنا خالد خطيبًا فحمد ربه وأثنى عليه وقال: إن هذا يوم من أيام الله, لا ينبغي فيه الفخر ولا البغي أخلصوا جهادكم وأريدوا الله بعملكم.
The Caliph as–Siddiq mobilized many armies for this purpose and selected a group of skilled leaders, he sent Aba ^Ubaydah Ibni-Jarah, ^Amr Ibn al-^As, and Yazid Ibn Abi Sufyan.
The Romans prepared for the fighting an army of 240,000, meanwhile our Master Abu Bakr sent to Khalid Ibn al-Walid to come to ash-Sham, our Master Khalid obeyed the order and appointed in charge of Iraq al-Muthana Ibn Harithah. He set forth with his forces, which he selected, until he reached the positions of the Muslims in the land of ash-Sham. He organized the army and coordinated his positions in a short time.
Our Master Khalid stood as a speaker; he praised his Lord, thanked him and said: {This is one of the days which Allah created, one is not supposed to show pride or to do any tyranny, be sincere in your Jihad, and perform your deeds for the sake of Allah only.}
وقد دار قتال ليس لضراوته نظير كما قيل, وأقبل الروم في فيالق كالجبال, وبدا لهم من المسلمين ما لم يكونوا يحتسبون, وأبدى المسلمون شجاعة تبهر الألباب, وأقترب أحدهم من أبي عبيدة بن الجراح رضي الله عنه والقتال دائر, وقال له: إني قد عزمت على الشهادة, فهل لك من حاجة من رسول الله حين ألقاه, فقال له أبو عبيدة: نعم قل له: يا رسول الله إنا قد وجدنا ما وعدنا ربنا حقًا, ويندفع الرجل كالسهم المقذوف يضرب بسيفه, ويضرب بالسيوف حتى يرتفع شهيدا وكان هذا عكرمة ابن أبي جهل. وخرج سيدنا خالد بن الوليد مع مائة من الأبطال الأفذاذ ينقضون على ميسرة جيش الروم وعددها أربعون ألف جندي, وخالد يصيح في المائة الذين معه: والذي نفسي بيده ما بقي من الروم من الصبر والجلد إلا ما رأيتم وإني لأرجو من الله أن يمنحكم أكتافهم.
It was said that the fighting which took place was something which they did not see anything like it before.
The Romans came with army corps like mountains, the Muslims faced them with what they did not expect; they showed bravery which dazzled those who have minds.
One person approached Abi ^Ubaydah Ibn aj-Jarah may Allah raise his rank while the fighting was taking place, he said to him: I have decided firmly to seek martyrdom, so do you want me to say something to the Messenger of Allah when I meet him. He said: Yes, say to him: “O Messenger of Allah we have found what our Lord has promised us true.”
The man then dashed like the flanged arrow, hitting with his sword and being hit with the swords until he died as a martyr; that man was ^Ikrimah Ibn Jahl.
Our Master Khalid Ibn al-Walid then left with one hundred unique heroes attacking the left wing of the Roman army, which was 40,00 in number, while khalid was screaming in the one hundred who were with him making oath by Allah that the Romans are collapsing and he asked Allah to make the Muslim side victorious.
خالد بن الوليد وأحد أمراء الروم:
Encountering one of the Roman leaders
يروى أن أحد أمراء جيش الروم ويدعى «جرجة بن بوذيها» خرج من الصف واستدعى « خالد بن الوليد» رضي الله عنه للمبارزة فجاء إليه حتى اختلفت أعناق فرسيهما, فقال جرجة: يا خالد أخبرني فاصدقني ولا تكذبني, فإن الحر لا يكذب, ولا تخادعني فإن الكريم لا يخادع, هل أنزل الله على نبيكم سيفًا من السماء فأعطاكه فلا تسله على أحد إلا هزمتهم؟ قال: لا! قال: فبم سميت سيف الله؟ قال: إن الله بعث فينا نبيه فدعانا فنفرنا منه ونأينا عنه جميعا, ثم إن بعضنا صدقه وتابعه, وبعضنا كذبه وباعده, فكنت فيمن كذبه وباعده, ثم إن الله أخذ بقلوبنا ونواصينا فهدانا به وبايعناه, فقال لي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «أنت سيف من سيوف الله سله على المشركين» ودعا لي بالنصر, فسميت سيف الله بذلك فأنا من أشد المسلمين على الكافرين.
It was narrated that one of the commanders of the Roman army and his name was Georgeah Ibn Budhiha left his army line and invited Khalid Ibn al-Walid to a duel, he came to him until the necks of their horses were squeezing against each another. Georgeah said: O Khalid, tell me the truth and do not lie to me, for the free person does not lie, and do not trick me, for the decent person does not trick. Did Allah descend a sword from the heaven on your Prophet who gave it to you such that every time you would pull it off against anybody, you would defeat him? He said: No.
He said: Why then were you named ‘The Sword of Allah’?
He said: Allah has sent to us His Prophet, who called us to Islam, we turned away from him; however, some of us believed him and followed him; while some of us belied him and stayed away from him; and I was among those who belied him and stayed away from him. Then Allah guided us and we pledged allegiance to the Prophet, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam then said to me: You are a sword among the swords which Allah has made them pulled off against the blasphemers. He made supplication for me to be victorious, and that is how I was named Sayfullah ‘The Sword of Allah’ . So I am among the sternest Muslims against the blasphemers.
فقال: يا خالد إلام تدعون؟ قال: إلى شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدًا عبده ورسوله والإقرار بما جاء به من عند الله عز وجل. قال: فمن لم يجبكم؟ قال: فالجزية, قال: فإن لم يعطها, قال نؤذنه بالحرب ثم نقاتله. قال: فما منزلة من يجيبكم ويدخل في هذا الأمر اليوم؟ قال: منزلتنا واحدة فيما افترض الله علينا. قال جرجة: فلمن دخل فيكم اليوم من الأجر مثل ما لكم من الأجر والذخر؟ قال: نعم. قال: وكيف يساويكم وقد سبقتموه؟ فقال خالد: إنا قبلنا هذا الأمر وبايعنا نبينا وهو حي بين أظهرنا تأتيه أخبار السماء ويخبرنا بالكتاب ويرينا الآيات, وحق لمن رأى ما رأينا, وسمع ما سمعنا أن يسلم ويبايع, وإنكم أنتم لم تروا ما رأينا, ولم تسمعوا ما سمعنا من العجائب والحجج, فمن دخل في هذا الأمر منكم بحقيقة ونية كان له فضل كبير.
Georgeah then said: O Khalid to what do you people call? He said: To the Testification that the there is no God except Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, and to believe in all what Allah the Exalted has revealed? He said: And what about the one who does not believe in your call? He said: He pays jizyah. He said: And how if he does not pay it? He said: We will declare war on him and fight him. He said: What about the one who believes in your call and embraces Islam today? He said: In terms of what Allah has obligated, our rank is the same: Our dignitary and our normal one, the first among us and the last among us.
Georgeah said: And the one who embraces Islam today, will he earn similar rewards like what you earn? He said: Yes. He said: How would he have similar rewards and you were Muslims before him?
Khalid said: We have accepted this matter and pledged allegiance to our Prophet while he was alive among us, he would receive the news of the heavens, and he would tell us from the Book (the Qur’an) and show us the signs. It is a right upon the one who saw what we have seen and heard what we have heard to embrace Islam and pledges allegiance, and you people did not see what we saw and did not hear from the wondrous things and proofs as we heard. The one amongst you who follows this matter truthfully with a good intention will earn a great merit.
فقال جرجة: بالله لقد صدقتني ولم تخادعني؟ قال: تالله لقد صدقتك وإن الله ولي ما سألت عنه, فعند ذلك قلب جرجة الترس ومال مع خالد وقال: علمني الإسلام, فقال له خالد: قل: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمدًا رسول الله فتشهد جرجة ودخل في دين الإسلام, فمال به خالد إلى فسطاطه فصب عليه قربة من ماء ثم صلى به ركعتين. ثم زحف خالد بالمسلمين حتى تصافحوا بالسيوف فضرب فيهم خالد وجرجة من لدن ارتفاع النهار إلى جنوح الشمس للغروب وأصيب جرجة رحمه الله واستشهد ولم يصل لله إلا تلك الركعتين مع خالد رضي الله عنهما.
Georgeah said: Do you swear by Allah that you have said the truth to me and did not trick me? He said: I swear by Allah that I have said the truth to you and that Allah is the protector of what I said. Georgeah then flipped his shield and joined Khalid’s side, he said: Teach me Islam. Khalid said to him: “Say: Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadar-Rasulullah.” Georgeah uttered the Testification of Faith and embraced Islam. Khalid took him to his pavilion and poured on him a water skin of water, he prayed two rak^ahs with him as an imam. Khalid then marched with the Muslims until the hitting of the swords began, Khalid and Georgeah were among them; the fighting lasted from the beginning of the day until sunset. Georgeah, may Allah have mercy upon him, was wounded and died as a martyr; he did not pray other than the two rak^ahs he did with Khalid; may Allah raise the rank of both of them.
أثر شعرات النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في قوة خالد بن الوليد:
The effect of the honorable hair of the Prophet on Khaled’s strength
كان لسيدنا خالد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قلنسوة وضع في طيها شعرًا من ناصية رسول الله أي مقدم رأسه لما حلق في عمرة الجعرانة, وهي أرض بعد مكة إلى جهة الطائف, فكان يلبسها يتبرك بها في غزواته. وعنه أنه قال: «اعتمرنا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في عمرة اعتمرها فحلق شعره, فسبقت إلى الناصية, فاتخذت قلنسوة فجعلتها في مقدمة القلنسوة, فما وجهت في وجه إلا فتح لي».
Our Master Khalid Ibn al-Walid may Allah raise his rank had a headgear (qalansuwah), which he put in its inner part some of the hair from the front part of the head of the Prophet. This happened when the Prophet shaved his head in the ^Umrah of aj-Ja^ranah, which is a land past Makkah to the direction of at–Ta’if. Khalid used to wear it seeking blessings in his battles. He said: “The Prophet performed ^Umrah and then shaved his head. I rushed with the people to get some of his hair. I got some of the hair from the front part of his head which I put in this qalansuwah. Every time I went into battle with this qalanwuwah, Allah gave me victory.”
وفاته رضي الله عنه:
His death
دخل عليه أبو الدرداء يزوره بسبب مرضه فقال له سيدنا خالد: «إن خيلي وسلاحي على ما جعلته عليه في سبيل الله عز وجل. وداري بالمدينة صدقة, قد كنت أشهدت عليها عمر بن الخطاب, ونعم العون هو على الإسلام, وقد جعلت وصيتي وإنفاذ عهدي إلى عمر».
فقدم أبو الدرداء بالوصية على سيدنا عمر فقبلها وترحم عليه, ومات البطل العظيم خالد بن الوليد سنة إحدى وعشرين, وحكى من غسله أنه ما كان في جسمه موضع صحيح من بين ضربة بسيف أو طعنة برمح أو رمية بسهم.
وقيل لقد قال كلمات عند موته: لقد لقيت كذا وكذا زحفًا وما في جسدي شبر إلا وفيه ضربة بسيف أو رمية بسهم أو طعن برمح وها أنا أموت على فراشي حتف أنفي فلا نامت أعين الجبناء.
Abu ad-Darda’ went to visit Khalid Ibn al-Walid when he was sick, our Master Khalid said to him: “My horses and my weapons as I left them are to be used for the sake of Allah. My residence in Madinah is to be given as a charity (sadaqah), I have made ^Umar Ibn al-Khattab as a witness for that. He is a great support for me to become a Muslim, I have assigned ^Umar to fulfill my will and oath.”
Abu ad-Darda’ then went to ^Umar with the will, he accepted it and asked Allah to have mercy upon him.
The great hero Khalid Ibn al-Walid died in the Hijriyy year twenty one, the person who washed him said that he did not see a part of his body which was not been hit with a sword, stabbed with a spear, or hit with an arrow.
It was said that he said some words when he was dying: “I have been through this much marching in my lifetime; there is no spot in body which was not hit with a sword, an arrow, or stabbed by a spear. And I am now dying on my bed, in spite of what I was willing; may the eyes of the cowards never sleep.”
رضي الله عن سيدنا خالد بن الوليد ورحمه وأسكنه الفراديس العلى. وصلى الله وسلم على من رباه وأدبه وعلمه وعلى ءاله وأصحابه الطيبين الطاهرين. والحمد لله أولا وءاخرًا.
May Allah raise the rank of our Master Khalid Ibn al-Walid, endows His Mercy upon him, and make him reside the higher Faradis (Elysium). May Allah increase the honor and raise the rank of the one whom Allah has given him the good manners and the knowledge, and the rank of his kind Al and generous and pure Companions.
And all Praise be to Allah.